Pro-Series - Slurper Quartz Banger w/ Complete Marble Set


An Incredible Dabbing Experience

We've been in the banger since the beginning and this is one of the most advanced nails we've ever tested.  People throw the words gamechanger around too often, but the Pro-Series Slurper is worthy of that title in the dabbing game.  

The joint and bucket are fully-worked (instead of welded) which makes the banger significantly more durable.  The top cup is beveled so the top marble rest flawlessly on top as the carb cap.  The bottom dish is the surface that gets heated up and dabbed on. The three slits on the bottom are what allows airflow into the lower chamber of the slurper and the pill-shaped terp bead does a perfect job of retaining heat & vaporizing your concentrates.

We chose the best types of marbles and terp pearls to use with this sluper for premium flow and efficiency.  The first set is our 3-piece Galaxy Set with Ruby Pill. Our next set is our Swirl Marble Set that comes in 6 different color options. The third set is a 3-piece glow in the dark.  Click here to see more pictures of all the Sluper Marble Sets we offer.  You can also purchase the slurper without marbles or you can choose the random marble set option to save a little bit too. Choose sizing and color below.

Shipping Info:

 All quartz products are examined and securely packaged in a discrete white box that gets shipped out directly from our office based in New York.  For every order, we include FREE goodies and offer FREE & FAST USPS First Class Shipping. International & Overnight shipping options are also available. 


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Massive Labor Day Sale Today!

Get in on our last BIG sale before Black Friday. Sale is live now thru tomorrow night at midnight

Use discount code "LABOR" to get 25% off your entire order at checkout.

Orders over $25 will ship for free (in the U.S.)

For orders $35 or more, we're going to toss in a free Terp Pearl!

For orders $75 or more, we're going to toss in a free limited edition resin handle dabber!

*Gifts are based on order totals after the use of "LABOR" discount code*