420 STARTS NOW! TAKE 25% OFF ENTIRE ORDER WITH CODE "420". Freebies included with orders over $35!

Happy 4/20 from QuartzBangers.com

April 20, 2017

420 quartz banger
Everyone here from QuartzBangers.com wishes you a fantastic 4/20.  This is our first 4/20 since this website has been launched and we're ecstatic about all the feedback we've been getting.  We've made a ton of new friends and already built up a bunch of loyal customers.  
If there's a type of quartz banger you think we need to sell, hit us up about it.  We're always on the hunt to make sure QuartzBangers.com has the largest and best selection of Quartz Bangers and Nails in the world!
Peace & Good Vibes,

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We're ready for 420!

Get in on our best sale of the year! Use discount code "420" to get 25% off your entire order at checkout.

Orders over $25 will ship for free (in the U.S.)

For orders $35 or more, we're going to toss in a free Ruby Terp Pearl!

For orders $75 or more, we're going to toss in a limited edition resin handle dabber!

*Gifts are based on order totals after the use of "420" discount code*